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“Metropolitan Thames Valley believe that everyone should have a home for life. This unique service, which is the culmination of a strategic partnership between Care Messenger and LG Electronics has allowed Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing to contribute to the content of this solution that has the potential to change the way that we not only communicate with our customers but to deliver more services and support that will positively enhance our key objective of delivering a safer and secure environment. We are excited to be taking the project to its next step where we shall be consulting with our customers to support the proposed phased roll-out across our General Needs, Older Persons and the Care and Support services.”


Peter Kerly, Business Development Director
Metropolitan and Thames Valley Housing Association.


"Even those of us who’ve been fascinated by exciting technical developments all our lives start to realise that one day it’s going to get beyond us. All the new, smart ways of keeping in touch, understanding what they all do, having to remember passwords – the digital world may hold the key to instant communication but, as we get older, some of us are never going to be comfortable relying on it. Which is why I’m so impressed with Care Messenger – a simple way to make the sort of personal contact we’re all going to need, through the medium so many of us know best of all – our televisions."

Michael Rodd - BBC Tomorrow's World Presenter and Businessman


One of the key challenges we are attempting to address in Scotland, replicated across the whole of the United Kingdom is the increasing demand and capacity challenge experienced by our colleagues in general practice. For many years GPs have willingly accepted the transfer of activity from high cost hospital to primary care settings. However, it has until recently proved difficult to shift activity from mainstream general practice and the wider primary care team. Having been exposed to your simple but very effective solution, I am convinced that your product, if targeted and used appropriately could reduce the workload across the primary care team while at the same time providing safe, effective, and person-centred care that is personalised to the needs of the individual.


Professor George Crooks, OBE, CEO, Digital Health Institute (Scotland)


"My mother has recently returned from a spell in hospital and we are using the system much more - CM has really come into its own. She is able to keep on top of all her daily medication and numerous appointments. Also, a number of family members have been using CM to great effect - mother absolutely loves getting messages from everyone. Local council Home Help visiting my mother have been impressed with CM. In short, CM is a fantastic and fun way to help my mother cope with life at home." 


Phil Winter - Family supporter


"We believe that the Care Messenger technology is potentially a much more powerful, cost effective, and feature-rich way to deliver Telecare services to our clients than what is currently available.


At present, Telecare technologies are largely reactive (to falls, accidents, gas leaks etc.) and could be taken as rather expensive insurance policies, used only 3% of the time! The Care Messenger technology takes advantage of the one piece of technology the elderly use more than any other (their TV) and spend a great deal of time watching.


The elderly are both familiar and at ease with the TV and remote, so this is an ideal way to reach them for proactive communications and to allow family and friends, many of them living at a distance or even abroad, to stay in touch, thereby addressing social isolation which other Telecare technologies do not touch at present – they are chiefly focused on safety. In particular, the simple video conferencing system you are developing will be ideal and of great interest to us. We have tried Skype and other video applications, but these are not appropriate for old people and the simplicity of the Care Messenger approach to video calls which does not entail any channel shift is much more suited to this target audience.

We see the whole Care Messenger solution being a key part of our Telecare offering in the future."

Andrew Ginns, Head of ICT and Corporate Services, Nottingham Community Housing Association



"We've not come across anything like Care Messenger to reach an older audience for our Project Guardian Telehealth initiative. I think the system is a unique and powerful communication tool and we are delighted to have Care Messenger as an integral partner in our delivery programme."

David J. Heard, Head of Health Information Management Health Solutions, Abbott Products Operations AG (Switzerland)



"Care Messenger is a great way of engaging the staff, friends and relatives with the residents. We can ask how they are, tell them what's on the menu for lunch, and send activity reminders and wellbeing messages like warnings of icy conditions or keeping hydrated during hot weather. It's so quick to send the messages and saves staff wasting time having to drop into every apartment with routine messages – Care Messenger can do all that for us!"

Carole Bertram, Centre Manager, Winton Court Extra Care Centre



"I love the photos I get from Australia from my grandchildren. Whenever a photo comes in, I would rather stop what I am watching and look at the message. It's lovely."

Joan – resident in Extra Care Scheme


It's good that my mum's grandchildren can send photos to their grandma and that the Care Staff can send messages if they are running late or a photo of themselves if they haven't been to see mum before.

Lesley – relative of a resident in the community


"I don't have a smart phone, so it is great that I can send a text message to John which appears on the television when I am out shopping or at work."

Anne – main carer of her husband


"I'm delighted! Our family are really pleased with this new technology to encourage communication with mum in her own home. It has provided lots of opportunities for her daughters and grandchildren to keep in touch with messages and photos from wherever they are in the world. And all to her TV screen. It's so simple to use - can't rate it highly enough!"

Hilda – relative of a Care Messenger user in the community

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